Friday, 11 November 2022

A quick notice

 Craiyon has had some updates, yes.

But there's a new AI in town that creates amazingly good images!

Stable diffusion not only makes images faster (wait times range from 15s to 30s), but they are also insanely good!

You can also use DALLE 2 but that AI only allows you 15 free images per month, where as craiyon and SD allow infinite.

Still, experiment around with AI's to get the best rocks, but make sure to tell us what AI you used when you upload a picture.

Also if you are new to this site, read the posts from how they were posted (oldest to newest).

(the arg is put on hiatus because of personal things and lack of motivation, you can watch the creators videos on their main channel)

Monday, 22 August 2022

How to use CEBGETSYC.

 Again, lets revise what CEBGETSYC means.

How clean is it?

How big is it?

How many gadgets/trinkets does it have?

How shiny is it?

What color is it?

1. How clean is it?

Just check if the rock has any dust and dirt.

If it does, clean it.

2. How big is it?

If the rock is very big (you can feel the bigness) then you can estimate the price for that.

The size only contributes 1$ max.

3. How many gadgets or trinkets does it have?

This is the most important one.

Gadgets are important things. Things like stickers, toys....

It depends on how good the quality of the gadgets are and how old they are.

For example, if you find a rock that has like a bubblegum sticker from the 80s, barely untouched, then it costs much more, at least 20$.

Trinkets are thinks that are actually chucked in the rock and made by nature itself.

For example, if you find a rock with a little piece of mineral (like diamonds or zinc) then it costs MUCH more. 

If there are too many of these in the rock, you can either classify them in the Special category or just sell them as a mineral to a jeweler.

4. How shiny is it?

If its very shiny, like, you can't see it from the shininess, then it doesn't cost anything. If its shiny only enough that it has perfect balance, then it can only contribute 0.60$.

5. What color is it?

Certain colors contribute much to the price.

Colors like dark red, white concrete, or even mixtures of multiple colors, can contribute up to 4$.

The rarest colors are perfect cyan and gold. They automatically make the rock Legendarily good and give it at least 15$.

Those are all of the rules you need to follow before you add up all of the factors and put the rock for sale!

Tune in next time so you can read about how you can negotiate and get good deals.

Join our discord server to submit your own rocks!

How to estimate money

 The way to estimate the price of your rocks is quite simple!

All you need to do is follow the CEBGETSYC format!

How clean is it?

How big is it?

How many gadgets/trinkets does it have?

How shiny is it?

What color is it?

The price range for most rocks is between 0.01$ to 10$.

If it has enough special trinkets on it, it can get up to a total of 100$! (even that is enough for just a rock).

Now you might be thinking, "Aren't you just selling jewelry at this point?"

NO! At its core, its still a rock but with just a funny shape and a lot of stuff on it! 


At this point it's just how csgo things work...



There are multiple rarities for every rock.

Common   (0.01$ - 10$)

Uncommon     (3$ - 10$)

Kinda good    (5$ - 15$)

Very good      (7$ - 20$)

Legendarily good       (15$ - 32$)

Special            (20$ - 50$)

Tune in next time to read about the trinkets and qualities themselves!

And remember: When you are inspecting rocks, use CEBGETSYC!

Sunday, 21 August 2022

How to generate

 This is a guide that will teach you the way to success.

You can only get a price from 0.01$ to 10$.

To get the max price, you will need to use some tricks to trick the AI into making the best images.

First of all, be creative. Use long and descriptive prompts to make the best images.

So if you use something like just "rocks":

You get a boring result like this. But that green rock on the bottom right does look nice...

Let's try to use a descriptive word, "shiny rock":
Alright! That looks nicer!
I'd say the one on the right is the best, because it looks like a samsung wallpaper.

Let's try to use a prompt that includes actual types of rocks, like, "shark tooth rock":

Huh, well, that's not what they are supposed to look like. They are supposed to be red, and scary, and small.

The one on the top right looks the closest, it just need some red on it.

Let'ts try to use a prompt that perfectly describes what we want, "a rock in the shape of a bloody tooth":

Ah, well, i guess the AI does not understand my prompts. 
Its supposed to look like the one from the previous picture in frame 3, but with just a little red. Oh well.

Let's try, one last picture. "big, magnificent, shiny like rock, ultra hd quality":

Again, didn't understand my prompt.

The one on the top, the blue one, looks nice, i guess.

Tune in next time to read about how you can estimate the price of your rocks!

And don't forget to join our discord server!

(and watch the arg)


 Rock pulling is a "sport", where you go to (or any text to image site) and generate your own images of rocks by putting in prompts like "random rocks", "shiny rocks", "interesting rocks" and similar prompts.

Then you select one of the 9 images and select the best one in the image and try to estimate the price!!!

And then you contact us on XXXXXX and we have fun!

(this is a fake website made for the gm_fm arg, you wont actually earn any money.)

A quick notice

  Craiyon has had some updates, yes. But there's a new AI in town that creates amazingly good images! Stable diff...